12324 Two finger scrolling in the playlist and piano roll behaves weirdly.12330 The tension handle can't be seen when an envelope point is set to the "Wave" or "Pulse" type.

12339 The scrollbar is not resized properly when disabling LFO in the automation clip editor.12355 The playlist track mute button is too wide.12319 Resetting a curve when for multiple points in an envelope results in unexpected behaviour.12350 Point menu in automation editor shows delete option when only 2 points exist.12346 News panel glitches while opening if the news was disabled.12345 LFO checkbox in automation clip's channel settings is not scaled.12340 Graphical glitches in the automation clip editor.12356 Cloned playlist tracks do not copy the mute status of the source track.12353 Channel rack switches to wrong filter group when a channel is deleted.12341 Automation clip editor does not show the playback cursor in the correct location.Synthesizer & effect plugin hosting (VST 32 & 64 bit, DX and FL Native format).Record & play MIDI input recording from keyboards, drum pads and controllers.Mix and remix audio, including application of real-time audio effects such as delay, reverb & filtering.Live music performance including video effect visualization.Be hosted in other DAWs as a VST or connected through ReWire.Automate most interface and all plugin parameters by recording, drawing, and using spline-based automation curves or automation generators with formula-based control of links.